Information Technology training program achieved 4 STARS PLUS.
Information Technology training program achieved 4 STARS PLUS.

Communication skills for students of IT Department of NTT University
IT students at NTT University hone communication skills

14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems 6-9 June 2022, Almaty, Kazakhstan Category B in the 2021 CORE conference rankings

Subjects of information technology
Bachelor In information technology - Describe the subjects of information technology
NodeJS Developer (JavaScript, SQL)
NodeJS Developer (JavaScript, SQL)14/07/2020
Full-Stack Developer - Attractive Salary & Benefits03/11/2019
05 Senior Java Developers (J2EE, Spring)28/09/2019
Senior UX/UI Designer19/09/2019
Talented IT Graduates Wanted To Join One Of Europe’s Most Succesful IT Companies16/09/2019
Senior Developer Fullstack (NodeJS / ReactJS / JS)16/09/2019
Free Java Training 3 Months And Paid Intern 2 Months For Korean IT Companies16/09/2019
Recruitment Information IT Support HCM staff16/09/2019
JAVA Developers (J2EE, Spring) ~$1500